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We believe your right to privacy and data security is our high priority.

This statement discloses the privacy guidelines for the entire PcHub website.

For more information about our privacy or information usage guidelines, please contact PcHub at and put "Privacy" in the subject line.

PcHub only asks for specific types of personal information which will allow us to fully process your order(s).

On the PcHub web site, you will be asked to provide information that will allow us to process your order.

PcHub requests information from you when you place an order or check the status on your computer system.

PcHub may ask for your name, e-mail address, phone number, address, customer preference information, customer number, as well as other similar personal information that is needed to place an order with PcHub. If PcHub ever asks for significantly different information you will be informed.

PcHub only uses your personal information for specific purposes

The information you provide will be kept confidential and used to support your customer relationship with PcHub. Representatives of PcHub who have access to your personal information and prospect information are required to keep the information confidential and not use it for any other purpose than to carry out the services they are performing for PcHub.

PcHub will not disclose your personal information to any outside organization for its use in marketing without your consent.

Information regarding you (such as name, address and phone number) or your order and the products you purchase will not be given or sold to any outside organization for its use in marketing or solicitation without your consent.

PcHub wants to help you keep your personal information secure.

You can request the individual information that PcHub has collected about you via the Internet at or dial 01-896 133

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